Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Harry Potter & Japanese girls are both very pettable.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
It doesn't matter whether or not you like the Harry Potter books or movies. If you are a human being, you are required by Natural Law to like this video & find it hilarious & adorable.

Read, Kindly Light...

Will Ferrell's "Sexy Hot Tan" Sunscreen

Wanna know the funniest part?

It's REAL.

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The Best Thing Ever...

are all coming together to make


Now you can download
their 1st single,

"Say Please",

Read, Kindly Light...

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Sunday, July 12, 2009
Sorry, folks, for the obvious lack of postage. I've been tryin' to be more "responsible" this last week, tryin' to get one of those coveted "J-O-B's" or whatever. But you know me: I always put responsibility on the back-burner for crazy muppet musical numbers.

Read, Kindly Light...

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Saturday, July 4, 2009

--And Cordelia Chase draped in the Stars & Stripes. *sniff*. It's just so.....beautiful!

God bless America, and have a happy 4th o' July!

Now then: go destroy some tea shipments or something.

That is all.

Read, Kindly Light...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

"The Informant" Trailer: From the guy who directed Ocean's 11, 12, *AND* 13!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
This is likely Steven Soderbergh's pitch for this film:

"It's like Matt Damon, only less suave, intelligent, and killer-like, more bumbling, corn-obsessed, and mustachey!"

It was either that or

Corn? Corn? Corn?!?

(And that's a pitch I'd act on.)

Well, it looks pretty good. I especially like that Joel McHale & Tony Hale (The host of 'The Soup' & Buster Bluth, respectively) are part of the supporting cast. I love those guys & wish they'd get more roles in film & television.

Read, Kindly Light...

Local Amateur Plays Alongside Other No-Name Acts...

(click to enlarge)

Who is this 'Morrison' fellow and what makes him good enough to share my Christian name? Maybe it's his dashing good looks, or maybe it's how he plays a mean GIHtahr, or that perrrty voice & mad lyrical genius of his...........

.....Nah, it's gotta be his shamrock luck with the ladies.

[/shameless self-promotion]

Read, Kindly Light...