"Yooouuutuuube" sounds like something Craig Ferguson would say during his opening monologue (accompanied of course by Salvadore Dali's crazy portrait and obligatory "OOooOooOOOooh!" noise), but it is in fact a real website, albeit a strange, psychedelic sort of website that defies most descriptions.
If you follow the first link, you will be asked to enter a youtube video URL or a youtube word search. You can also simply click for a random video. Then you choose what height and width you'd like to see the videos in, and choose the "shuffle" effect or the "spiral" or neither. Then just click the big ol' "DO THIS" button at the bottom, and you're done. What happens now? Well, now yooouuutuuube turns the video or videos you've chosen into a quirky, fascinating, and often stunning collage of stop-motion footage. It doesn't work well with every single youtube video, but given the right kind of video and the proper parameters, and yooouuutuuube can produce something truly beautiful. It's the kind of thing that makes a straight arrow like me see the appeal of certain eh...... "pharmaceuticals."
To demonstrate this, here are the links to a few new yooouuutuuube videos created by Yours Truly:
"All Souled Out" - Conor Oberst & The Mystic Valley Band
"Why Do You Let Me Stay Here?" - She & Him
"Summer Grof" - The Spinto Band
"Pork and Beans" - Weezer
If you make any compositions of your own, please post the links in the comments. "I want to see your skills of an artist!"
Read, Kindly Light...