Friday, January 9, 2009

Afternoon Buzz: Steve Martin, Anne Hathaway, Sex Panther

Friday, January 9, 2009

Oh Audrey. Why can't you explain to this generation why smoking is good for you?

In 15 or so words: Steven. Martin. Plays. Banjo. Makes. Bluegrass. Album. It's. Called. "The Crow". Coming. Out. Jan. 27.
In one word: BADASS!

Heroes, everyone's favorite love-to-hate TV show, is supoooooosedly gonna stop sucking and get better soon. We'll see about that. (Hint: Don't get your hopes up. It's prob'ly not.)

I'll bet you 100 bucks right now that Anne Hathaway is gonna win a Golden Globe this year. Hands down, man. Oh wait. That's right. She already has. Congratulations, Miss Hathaway.

Here's a pretty simple but pretty cool poster for the upcoming Transformers sequel. Personally, I wish it were for a movie about a dark scary dragon with scary red eyes. The dragon's name is REVENGE!

Who doesn't love SXSW? Well, they've just posted up a list of some of the bands they're showcasing this year. I wish I could go...

Does this ring a bell? "Sixty percent of the time, it works everytime!" That's a real product now. Really. Wow.



Francis Shivone said...

Tyler -- Very, very cool site. Love it. I'm adding a link to my very, very uncool F&FW. Great job and I'll post about it soon.

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